
A GTK theme based on Archiplex, Shiki-Colors and Cleanlook.

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  • License:
  • GPL
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Fbio Barbosa
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ClearGlow Description

A GTK theme based on Archiplex, Shiki-Colors and Cleanlook. ClearGlow is a GTK theme based on Archiplex, Shiki-Colors and Cleanlook.Developer commentsFirst I wanted to reproduce a bit of the look of my Glow suite, especially on the buttons, but then the concept evolved and I started introducing some other ideas. Considering this theme is based only in the Clearlooks and Murrine engines, I came up with the name ClearGlow.I was thinking of using the Murrine SVN engine first, but considering that in previous themes I had many adverse reactions from some of my users who found the installation of new engines was too much of a difficult process, I decided to postpone the adoption of Murrine SVN, at least for a while.The only bugs I was able to found so far came from the Mozzila apps, namingly: the Add Bookmark Dialog from Firefox 3; and the titles of some sections of the Preferences dialog on Thunderbird. These widgets are using the menu background color along with the text color from the lighter widgets. In other words, it's dark text over a dark background. It's still readable, but not optimal. If you find any other bugs or if you know of a solution for the already pointed out problems, please let me know.While I was taking these screenshots, I was using the Calibri font, bold weight, size 8. The icon theme is Eikon, a personal assemblage of various icons I found throughout the Web.The download package includes the GTK2 theme and a Metacity correspondent. I hope you enjoy ClearGlow. If you don't, please tell me what could be improved before you hit the "Voting Bad" button. Thank you in advance.About GNOME:GNOME is an international effort to build a complete desktop environment—the graphical user interface which sits on top of a computer operating system—entirely from free software. This goal includes creating software development frameworks, selecting application software for the desktop, and working on the programs which manage application launching, file handling, and window and task management.GNOME is part of the GNU Project and can be used with various Unix-like operating systems, most notably Linux, and as part of Java Desktop System in Solaris.The name originally stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment, though this acronym is deprecated. The GNOME project puts heavy emphasis on simplicity, usability, and making things “just work”. Requirements: · gtk+ · GNOME What's New in This Release: · More compact menus; included index.theme files with the themes and created a separate folder for the Metacity theme (you might want to remove your old version of ClearGlow or back it up elsewhere).

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