asyLFS is a distribution based on Linux From Scratch (LFS)

EasyLFS Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • GPL
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • EasyLFS Team
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://easylfs.nuxified.com/

EasyLFS Tags

EasyLFS Description

asyLFS is a distribution based on Linux From Scratch (LFS) EasyLFS is a distribution based on Linux From Scratch (LFS), but it also includes additional features and packages, such as DHCP, OpenSSH, support for Bluetooth and WLAN, and SELinux. Installation is done by editing a configuration script and then running an install script. EasyLFS can be installed on RAID, LVM or an encrypted root partition through usage of initramfs in the kernel. It is targeted at users who enjoy using LFS, but have already done it a couple of times and don't want to go through all the typing again just to reinstall the system.It contains the following packages:· autoconf 2.61· automake 1.10· bash 3.2· bash-doc 3.2· beecrypt 4.1.2· bin86 0.16.17· bind 9.4.1-P1· binutils 2.18· bison 2.3· blfs-bootscripts 20060910· bluez-libs 3.22· bluez-utils 3.22· bzip2 1.0.4· checkpolicy 1.34.3· coreutils 6.9· cpufrequtils 002· cryptsetup 1.0.5· dbus 1.0.2· dbus-glib 0.74· dcron 3.2· dejagnu 1.4.4· device-mapper 1.02.21· dhcp 3.0.6· diffutils 2.8.1· dmidecode 2.9· dmraid 1.0.0.rc14· dosfstools 2.11· dpkg 1.13.25· e2fsprogs 1.40.2· eject 2.1.5· expat 2.0.1· expect 5.43.0· file 4.21· findutils 4.2.31· flex 2.5.33· fuse 2.7.1· gawk 3.1.5· gcc 4.2.2· gettext 0.16.1· glib 2.14.2· glibc 2.7· glibc-libidn 2.7· gnupg 1.4.7· grep 2.5.3· groff 1.19.2· gzip 1.3.12· hal 0.5.9· hdparm 7.6· iana-etc 2.20· inetutils 1.5· iproute2 2.6.22-070710· ipsec-tools 0.6.7· iptables 1.3.8· jfsutils 1.1.11· joe 3.5· kbd 1.12· kexec-tools 1.101· klibc 1.5· less 382· lfs-bootscripts 6.2· libselinux 1.34.13· libsemanage 1.10.5· libsepol 1.16.6· libtool 1.5.24· libusb 0.1.12· libxml2 2.6.29· lilo 22.8· linux· linux-pam· lm_sensors 2.10.4· lvm2 2.02.27· lynx 2.8.6· m4 1.4.10· make 3.81· man 1.5p· man-pages 2.63· mc 4.6.1· mdadm 2.6.2· mktemp 1.5· module-init-tools 3.2.2· module::build 0.2808· nano 2.0.6· nasm 0.98.39· ncftp 3.2.1· ncurses 5.6· neon 0.26.4· net-tools 1.60· newt 0.52.2· ntfsprogs 2.0.0· openssh 4.7p1· openssl 0.9.8g· parted 1.8.8· partimage 0.6.6· patch 2.5.4· pciutils 2.2.6· perl 5.8.8· pkg-config 0.21· po4a 0.31· policycoreutils 1.34.11· popt 1.10.7· ppp 2.4.3· procps 3.2.7· psmisc 22.5· python 2.5.1· readline 5.2· refpolicy 20070928· reiserfsprogs 3.6.19· rp-pppoe 3.8· rpm 4.4.9· screen 4.0.2· sdparm 1.02· sed 4.1.5· shadow· slang 2.1.1· slocate 3.1· smartmontools 5.37· sqlite 3.4.1· swig 1.3.31· sysfsutils 2.1.0· sysklogd 1.5· sysvinit 2.86· tar 1.19· tcl 8.4.15· texinfo 4.9· udev 116· udev-config-rules 6.3· unzip 5.52· usbutils 0.72· util-linux-ng· vim 7.1· wget 1.10.2· which 2.16· wireless-tools 29· wpa-supplicant 0.5.8· xfsprogs 2.9.3· xml::parser 2.34· zip 2.32· zlib 1.2.3

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