
WWW::Search::Ebay is a backend for searching www.ebay.com

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  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Martin Thurn
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~ninja/WWW-Search-EBayGlobal-3.00/lib/WWW/Search/EBayGlobal/ByEndDate.pm

WWW::Search::Ebay Tags

WWW::Search::Ebay Description

WWW::Search::Ebay is a backend for searching www.ebay.com WWW::Search::Ebay is a backend for searching www.ebay.comSYNOPSIS use WWW::Search; my $oSearch = new WWW::Search('Ebay'); my $sQuery = WWW::Search::escape_query("C-10 carded Yakface"); $oSearch->native_query($sQuery); while (my $oResult = $oSearch->next_result()) { print $oResult->url, "n"; }This class is a Ebay specialization of WWW::Search. It handles making and interpreting Ebay searches http://www.ebay.com.This class exports no public interface; all interaction should be done through WWW::Search objects.NOTESThe search is done against CURRENT running AUCTIONS only. (NOT completed auctions, NOT eBay Stores items, NOT Buy-It-Now only items.) (If you want to search completed auctions, use the WWW::Search::Ebay::Completed module.) (If you want to search eBay Stores, use the WWW::Search::Ebay::Stores module.)The query is applied to TITLES only.The results are ordered youngest auctions first (reverse order of auction listing date).In the resulting WWW::Search::Result objects, the description() field consists of a human-readable combination (joined with semicolon-space) of the Item Number; number of bids; and high bid amount (or starting bid amount).In the resulting WWW::Search::Result objects, the end_date() field contains a human-readable DTG of when the auction is scheduled to end (in the form "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM TZ"). If environment variable TZ is set, the time will be converted to that timezone; otherwise the time will be left in ebay.com's default timezone (US/Pacific).In the resulting WWW::Search::Result objects, the bid_count() field contains the number of bids as an integer.In the resulting WWW::Search::Result objects, the bid_amount() field is a string containing the high bid or starting bid as a human-readable monetary value in seller-native units, e.g. "$14.95" or "GBP 6.00".In the resulting WWW::Search::Result objects, the category() field contains the Ebay category number.In the resulting WWW::Search::Result objects, the sold() field will be non-zero if the item has already sold. (Only if you're using WWW::Search::Ebay::Completed)After a successful search, your search object will contain an element named 'categories' which will be a reference to an array of hashes containing names and IDs of categories and nested subcategories, and the count of items matching your query in each category and subcategory. (Special thanks to Nick Lokkju for this code!) For example: $oSearch->{category} = }, { 'ID' => '281', 'Count' => 1, 'Name' => 'Jewelry & Watches', } ];If your query string happens to be an eBay item number, (i.e. if ebay.com redirects the query to an auction page), you will get back one WWW::Search::Result without bid or price information. Requirements: · Perl

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