
A flatpages/flatblock application using generic relations to content models.

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django-generic-flatblocks Description

A flatpages/flatblock application using generic relations to content models. django-generic-flatblocks is a Django plugin that solves this problem as it knows nothing about the content itself. You attach your hand made content node (a simple model) where you can define any fields you want.Installation 1. Insert django_generic_flatblocks to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings. 2. (optional) Define the url prefix to your contrib.admin installation in the setting ADMIN_URL_PREFIX. Most commonly this is /admin/. Beware the trailing slash. 3. Resync your database: ./ syncdbUsage in templatesFirst of all, in every template you want to use generic-flatblocks, load the templatetags library:{% load generic_flatblocks %}Then define a content node using the gblock templatetag:{% gblock "unique_slug" for "applabel.modelname" with "render/with/template.html" as "variable" %}The arguments in detail:* "unique_slug" (required): The slug argument defines under which key the content is stored in your database. You can define as many slugs as you want, just use a comma as separator. You can use context-variables as well. Examples: "homepage headline" becomes "homepage_headline" "homepage","headline" becomes "homepage_headline" "homepage_title",LANGUAGE_CODE becomes "homepage_title_en" (depends on the users locale code)* for "applabel.modelname" (required): The for argument defines, what content-node (model) will be used to store and display the content. The format is appname.modelname. For some contributed content-nodes see Contributed content nodes below. This argument can be a context-variable.* with "template_path" (optional): You can define a template that is used for rendering the content node. If you do not provide any template, the default template //flatblock.html is used. This argument can be a context-variable.* as "variable name" (optional): If you provide a variable name, the rendered content node is stored in it. Otherwise it's displayed directly. This argument can be a context-variable.Create your own content nodeA content node is a simple django-model. No quirks. If you want to use a title and a textfield as your content-node, define a new model Entry in your application myproject:from django.db import modelsfrom django.contrib import adminclass Entry(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True) content = models.TextField(blank=True) def __unicode__(self): return creates an empty content-node upon first request, so make sure each field has either it's default value or allow blank=True. Don't forget to register your Model in the admin backend, if you want to edit it there.Then create a template myproject/entry/flatblock.html in your template directory. This template is the default template to render the content node, if you do not provide a unique template for it (with argument).In this template are all context-variables from the parent template available plus some extra variables: * object: This variable is the model-instance for the generic block. * generic_object: This variable is the model-instance for the generic content object itself. Mostly you don't need this. * admin_url: A URL to the change view of the current object. This variable is None if the current user has no change permissions for the object.A common template source for the above content node would be:< h1 >{{ object.title }}< /h1 >{{ object.content|safe }}{% if admin_url %}edit this{% endif %}In your templates, create a new content node using the templatetag:{% gblock "about_me" for "myproject.Entry" %}Contributed content nodesdjango-generic-flatblocks comes with some very commonly used content-nodes. They are not installed by default. To do so, insert django_generic_flatblocks.contrib.gblocks to your INSTALLED_APPS in your settings and resync your database: ./ syncdb.The contributed content nodes are: * gblocks.Title: A CharField rendered as a Tag. * gblocks.Text: A TextField rendered as html paragraphs. (This is what django-chunks provides) * gblocks.Image: A ImageField rendered as Tag. * gblocks.TitleAndText: A CharField and a TextField. (This is what django-flatblocks provides) * gblocks.TitleTextAndImage: A CharField, TextField and ImageFieldSo if you want to display a title and textfield, use this templatetag for example:{% gblock "about_me" for "gblocks.TitleAndText" %} Requirements: · Django · Python What's New in This Release: · Added Danish translation. · Added better documentation. · Added unittests. · If you fetch a not existing "primary key" object the templatetag will fail silently if settings.TEMPLATE_DEBUG is False.

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