
Remote annotation server details

dtRdr::doc::AnnotationServers Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Perl Artistic License
  • Price:
  • FREE
  • Publisher Name:
  • Eric Wilhelm
  • Publisher web site:
  • http://search.cpan.org/~ewilhelm/dotReader-v0.11.2/lib/MultiTask/Minion.pm

dtRdr::doc::AnnotationServers Tags

dtRdr::doc::AnnotationServers Description

Remote annotation server details dtRdr::doc::AnnotationServers is a Perl module that offers remote annotation server details.Discovery o get server version/capabilities o possibly login at this point o maybe create-account API?Sounds like delegation is in order. $base = "http://example.com/annotation_server"; foreach $plugin (@plugins) { $plugin->identify_uri($base) and last; }version.ymlFor best results, a server should provide a capabilities url at "$base/version" which returns a yaml file describing the server type/version. --- type: example_type version: 0.5This could be served by the framework, or just be a static file. The benefit is not having to return a series of 404's or other errors while the plugins poke at your server.The path to version.yml is derived from the base URL as follows: base: http://example.com/anno look: http://example.com/anno/version.ymlPossibly also: base: http://example.com/anno/index.php look: http://example.com/anno/version.yml base: http://example.com/anno/foo.php look: http://example.com/anno/version.yml base: http://example.com/?q=annoserve look: http://example.com/?q=annoserve&dotreader_asks=version.ymlplugin-specific discoveryA specific noteserver plugin may then get additional initialization data. For the dtRdr::Annotation::Sync::Standard module, this path is: http://example.com/annoserve/config.ymlReturns ---or, if there are config options: --- protocol: https auth_required: 1 login: url: http://example.com/login template: 'edit=#USERNAME#&edit=#PASSWORD#'Cookie-Based loginThe 'auth_required' directive instructs the client to login before attempting any read operations.The 'login' directive instructs the client to fill-in the template data and post it to the given url. Requirements: · Perl

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