Axon Idea Processor

Problems and solutions, questions and answers, unknowns and facts

Axon Idea Processor Ranking & Summary


  • Rating:
  • License:
  • Free to try
  • Price:
  • $135.00
  • Publisher Name:
  • Axon Research
  • File Size:
  • 4.03MB

Axon Idea Processor Tags

Axon Idea Processor Description

Axon Idea Processor is a handy and useful application which provides an ideal environment for users in order to work with ideas, analyze and solve problems and focus their attention. Impressive 3-D capability enables large amounts of information to be shown on one screen. Each file can have up to 500 levels. Shadows can be thrown onto the floor, ceiling or walls to emphasize depth. Map your mind and get the Big Picture. Axon Idea Processor allows you to draw Mind Maps that exploits both your "left and right brain". Concept Maps help you to learn, explore, and organize your thoughts. A Concept Map need not have a single main idea, unlike a Mind Map. The Generator tool can help you create stories, coin names, compose melodies, create advertisement ideas, agendas for outdoor activities, etc. Ideas are generated based on a structure that you provide. Using the Cluster tool, you can form trees and branches of various patterns such as circular/elliptical trees, top-down trees, left-right trees, etc. A library of Templates help you get started quickly with modeling and analyzing complex systems. The Simulator tool enables you to build fully functional models, thus making your concepts come alive. Main features: Provide a range of Idea Processing tools: Analyzer - perform text and other analyses. Calculator - can evaluate mathematical expressions. Clusters - organize ideas into trees and branches. FreeWriter - a pre-writing tool. Sequencer - assist in sequencing your ideas. Simulator - make your concepts come alive. Slideshow - turn your work into a slideshow. Tabulator - convert diagrams into tables. Templates - ready-made files to help you get started. and also idea prompting tools such as: Checklists - categorize lists for prompting. Generator - generate sentences, poems, inventions, etc. Questions - a list of generic questions. Random Pictures - prompting with pictures. Random Words - prompting with words or word pairs. Ticker - a continuous text prompting tool. Provide a flexible, multi-level, 3D workspace. Support hierarchical and network structures. Show/hide various levels of details.

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