
Newser's writers and editors carefully select approximately 60 of the most essential, entertaining, and delightfully quirky news items to cover each day. And at just two paragraphs each, our sharply w

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  • Win 8

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Newser Description

An application that provides a vivid snapshot of the day's news Newser's writers and editors carefully select approximately 60 of the most essential, entertaining, and delightfully quirky news items to cover each day. And at just two paragraphs each, our sharply written stories pack in only the most interesting details—none of the boring stuff—and are quick and easy to digest, especially on the go. And we're pretty to look at, too: our signature grid, reformatted for mobile, lets eye-catching photos and short and snappy headlines do the talking, providing a vivid snapshot of the day's news. Features * Graphic quick view of current headlines * Alternate views of the news (by date, popularity, section, importance, etc.) * Live tile updates of the number of unread stories * Media galleries * Social sharing of stories via Facebook, Twitter email and text messages * Voting on stories as Brilliant, Hilarious, Intriguing, Depressing, Ridiculous, or Scary * Search feature covering years of story archives

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