
Simple wrapper for the Mediawiki API

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  • Yuvi Panda
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python-mwapi Description

python-mwapi is a very simple and direct wrapper around the Mediawiki API.IntroductionThis library provides a very simple convenience wrapper around the Mediawiki API. It is meant to closely mirror the interface provided by mw.ApiFeaturesThe library allows you to call Mediawiki APIs without having to deal without dealing with network calls. It also has authentication support and a few convenience methods.Non FeaturesThis is the anti-mwclient. It does not add another layer for you to understand over the well documented Mediawiki API, and it never will.Documentation MWApi class MWApi Class representing a single API Session, with a single authenticated user. Useful Attributes: tokens - Contains an edittoken & watchtoken (if populateTokens() has been called) is_authenticated - Boolean indicating if the MWApi is sending authenticated requests Methods defined here: __init__(self, host, api_path='/w/api.php') Create a MWApi instance Arguments: host - Host to which to connect to. Must include http:// or https:// and no trailing slash api_path - Url to api.php on the host. Must start with / get(self, params) Makes an API request with the GET method Arguments: params - Parameters to send to the API. Varies depending on the action to be performed. login(self, username, password) Authenticates with the given credentials and logs in the user for the session. All further requests sent from this MWApi object will be signed as said user. Arguments: username - The username of the user to be authenticated password - The password of the user to be authenticated Throws: Throws an exception with (Message, Response) if Authentication fails Note: Passwords are sent as plaintext. This is a limitation of the Mediawiki API. Use a https host if you want your password to be secure populateTokens(self) Populates the tokens attribute of the object with edittoken and watchtoken. Requires that authentication has been performed already with login() post(self, params) Makes an API request with the POST method Arguments: params - Parameters to send to the API. Varies depending on the action to be performed. request(self, method, params) Makes a request to the API and returns a dictionary containing the results Arguments: method - GET or POST, depending on which API is being called params - Parameters to send to the API. Varies depending on the action to be performed.Product's homepage

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